Madonna discography certifications
Madonna discography certifications

Although Presley passed away way back in 1977, people continue to purchase his records. Then, Adele was also added to get an artist reflective of the current market dynamics. They are the Beatles, Michael Jackson, Madonna and Queen. Thus, we collected market by market YouTube statistics of all Top 4 CSPC artists so far. In order to identify on which countries Presley performed well, the way to go is to look at the remaining monster sellers. How much has he sold in Asia, in Latin America, in Eastern Europe or in the Middle East? Rather than embarking on hazardous guesses when data is missing, the first step is to exploit YouTube views to have a clear idea of the artist’s global popularity. In spite of this situation, we will have to estimate them still.

madonna discography certifications

In fact, we must consider that for someone like Presley, we will have no information at all from various market for most of his records.

madonna discography certifications

Even before getting into the numbers, some pre-estimates works need to be performed for some artists. There is chart runs, certifications, etc. Completing estimations about an artist’s records may look relatively easy. I’ll take advantage of this extensive study to provide some making of tips of our works. To celebrate the 100th article, the King was the obvious choice.

madonna discography certifications

I feel sorry about those for who his music is not their cup of tea, but the next weeks will be all about him! It has been two years since we applied our Commensurate Sales to Popularity Concept for the first time and we went on to treat 99 artists since then. It’s time to activate the Elvis Presley mode.

Madonna discography certifications